Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Algorithm Based on the Decomposition of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Latent Low Rank Representation
The fusion of infrared and visible images plays an important role in video surveillance, target tracking, etc. To obtain better fusion results for images, this study proposes a novel method combining deep learning and image decomposition based on a robust low-rank representation. First, robust principal component analysis is used to denoise the training set images. Next, rapid latent low rank representation is used to learn a sparse matrix to extract salient features and decompose the source images into low-frequency and high-frequency images. The low-frequency components are then fused using an adaptive weighting strategy, and the high-frequency components are fused by a VGG-19 network. Finally, the new low-frequency image is superimposed with the new high-frequency image to obtain a fused image. Experimental results demonstrate that this method has advantages in terms of both the subjective and objective evaluation of image fusion.